Reviews and comments
on 'Going to bed with the moon'
'The poems are warm and the poet’s voice reassuringly sane.'
Review by David Lillington for WriteOutLoud
Jenny Hockey Poetry
'Strong focus on places, people and their relationships, loss.' Fokkina McDonnell (https://acaciapublications.co.uk/)
'... so many wise and generous poems that draw the reader in with their quiet perceptiveness, taking her to somewhere resonant and larger without ever losing hold of lived reality.' Judith Willson (https://www.carcanet.co.uk/cgi-bin/indexer?owner_id=824)
'... a collection that I'll enjoy re-reading - for its humour, its melancholy, its honest view of what it sees, how it finds 'other' in the everyday - and the everyday in 'other' !' Carol DeVaughn (http://www.poetrypf.co.uk/caroldevaughnbiog.shtml)